You must complete the form in English.
Use this form to apply for a review of a decision about a government department, agency or organisation.
You cannot use this form if you want to apply for:
An individual or organisation can use this online form to apply for a review of more than one decision at the same time, if the decisions are related. If the decisions are not related, you need to make separate online applications for each decision.
You cannot use the online form to apply for a review on behalf of more than one individual or organisation at the same time. You must use a separate online form for each person or organisation in relation to the decision that affects them.
If more than one person wants to apply for review of the same decision(s), the application must be lodged in person, by post, or by email.
Before you begin using the online form, make sure you have your documents ready. This includes the decision(s) you want the Tribunal to review and any other documents you want to send us with your application. The decision should set out important information about your review rights, including the time limit for applying to the Tribunal for review.
Please be aware that, if you are lodging the application on the last day of a time limit, the application must be received by the Tribunal no later than:
If the time limit has expired, you may be able to use this online form to apply for an extension of time to make your application. We can extend time limits in some cases.
A fee is payable for reviews of some types of decisions. If a fee is payable, you can pay the fee by credit card (MasterCard or Visa only) when you apply online. More information is available on our Fees page.
Yes, a decision usually continues to operate while it is being reviewed by the Tribunal. In some cases, the Tribunal can order that the decision be suspended (or ‘stayed’) while the review takes place.
If you want to ask the Tribunal to suspend the operation of the decision, you must fill out a Request for Stay Order form. You can upload the completed form on the Documents page of the online application form. Alternatively, you can lodge the form in person, by post, or by email. For more information, visit the After you apply page on the Tribunal’s website.
If you are unable to complete your application in one session, you can save what you have done and return to it later by selecting the Save for Later button.
If you want more information or assistance about how to make an online application, call us on 1800 228 333.